
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faat3 zi6
Character Meaning:
law; the way; rule; method; way; principle; (Buddhism) dhárma
to punish; to constraint; to cure; to heal; to treat; to wipe out; to administer; to rule; good rule; to study; to research
Part of Speech: noun
rule of law
(Cant.) faat3zi6se5wui2
(Eng.) society governed by rule of law
(Cant.) hon5wai6faat3zi6
(Eng.) to defend the rule of law
See also: 一國兩制 三權分立 人治 公民社會 普通法 法制 法紀 社會秩序 程序公義 言論自由 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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