
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mut6 faat3
Character Meaning:
not; to have not; There is no ...; to sink; to cover above; to overflow; to disappear; to be out of sight; to worsen; to deteriorate; to decline; to go south; to confiscate; to expropriate
law; the way; rule; method; way; principle; (Buddhism) dhárma
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Mandarin
unable; incapable; cannot
(Chi.) ngo5mut6faat3zoi6fei1gei1soeng6seoi6gaau3
(Cant.) ngo5mou5baan6faat3hai2fei1gei1fan3gaau3
(Eng.) I cannot sleep on any flight.
See also: 唔得 不可 唔到 不了 不得不 不得其法 不悦 不能自已 不至於 來不及 無所不能 無能為力 難以 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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