
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cam4 mut6
Character Meaning:
to sink; to submerge; gloomy; heavy; (of sounds) deep; low-pitched
not; to have not; There is no ...; to sink; to cover above; to overflow; to disappear; to be out of sight; to worsen; to deteriorate; to decline; to go south; to confiscate; to expropriate
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
(of boats, ships) to have sunk; to founder
(Cant.) gaa3syun4hai2ji3ngoi6zi1hau6cam4mut6
(Eng.) The ship sank after the accident.
See also: 創辦人 不知所終 乘風破浪 失陪 拖船 汪洋大海 沉船 湮沒 西沉 陸沉 驚濤駭浪 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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