
Entry #1
Pronunciation: duk6 lan2
Character Meaning:
poison; toxin; narcotics; drugs; poisonous; noxious; toxic; malicious; cruel; nerdy; geeky; to poison
dick; penis; to make a fool of; to fool with; to sqeeze; to pinch
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Recent Jargon Vulgar
nerd; otaku; derogatory term for introverts (usually male) who are unpopular and interested in nerdy stuff; literally, poisonous dick (measure word: 個 / 條)
(Cant.) go3duk6lan2jyun4cyun4m4sik1tung4jan4kau1tung1
(Eng.) That nerd doesn't know how to communicate with others at all.
(Cant.) kei4sat6duk6lan2jat1go3gang3hoi1sam1使sai2lan2nei5gong2
(Eng.) A nerd feels happier to be left alone, needs no fucking explanation. (adapted from lyrics)
Synonym: Synonym: 毒男
See also: 番薯頭 宅女 宅男 架仔 架妹 毒男 溝仔 白痴仔 細蚊仔 老泥妹 衰佬 野仔 麻甩佬 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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