
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sei2 jan4 lam3 lau2
Character Meaning:
to die; inflexible; to fail; unable to coexist; fixed; rigid; stiff; same old same old; literally: damned; to malfunction; to break down; very; extremely; to insist; to be stubborn
human; human being; person; people; personality; everybody; (some) people; others; somebody; body of a person
flower bud; to coax; to fall; to collapse; to drop; to go down; to be malfunctioned
floor; building; storied building; flat; apartment; housing unit
Part of Speech: expression
  • people die and buildings collapse; used to refer to catastrophes in general
    (Cant.) tou2gwaa1waan4maa5tau4wai4dou3sei2jan4lam3lau2m4ging1m4gok3dou1gei2nin4laak3
    (Eng.) The deadly building collapse in Ma Tau Wai Road happened several years ago.
    (Cant.) jip6ji5jyun4faan2deoi3gaa1wui2gin3ji5zi2jiu3laap6faat3wui2hai2syu2gaa3jau1wui2kei4gaan1dat6jin4ziu6hoi1wui6ji5jat1ding6jiu3hai6sei2jan4lam3lau2sin1dak1
    (Eng.) Legislator Yip opposes the suggestion of extra meetings, as extra meetings in summer holiday should only be held "if people die or buildings collapse".

  • (used in exaggeration) of grave importance; a matter of life-and-death
    (Cant.) ni1daan1je5sei2jan4lam3lau2gaa3siu2sam1di1aa3
    (Eng.) This case is a matter of life-and-death (=of grave importance). Take extra care.
    (Cant.) nei5sei2jan4lam3lau2dou1tung4ngo5gaau2dim6keoi5
    (Eng.) Please fix it for me, no matter the cost or difficulty.

See also: 存亡
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