
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jau5 paai4
Character Meaning:
to have; have; to be made up of; to own; to exist; can be found; there is/are
raft; align; to arrange; to put in order; to rank; to practice; to discharge; to eject; to release; row; rank; line; platoon; mountain; slope; short for rib bones
Part of Speech: adverb
taking quite some time; needing a while
(Cant.) jau5paai4dou1mei6zou6saai3aa3
(Eng.) It will take quite some time to get this done.
(Cant.) jau5paai4sin1zoi3gin3dou2keoi5gaa3laa3
(Eng.) It's gonna be a while until we can see him again!
(Cant.) keoi5dei6gam3noi6mou5gin3jau5paai4king1ding2laa3
(Eng.) They haven't seen each other for a long time. They will chat for quite some time for sure.
See also: 一年半載 分分鐘 唔湯唔水 夠期 好事多磨 好食懶飛 有頭有尾 未驚過 遲下 遲吓 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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