
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jyut6 fan6
Character Meaning:
moon; mooncake; month of a year
portion; complete unit; part; subdivided unit; share; participation; role; eligibility; entitlement
Part of Speech: noun
month; one of 12 divisions of the solar calendar year (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) ngoi6jyu5ge3jyut6fan6ming4cing1zan1hai6hou2naan4gei3
(Eng.) It is hard to remember the names of months in foreign languages.
(Cant.) ji4gaa1hai6me1jyut6fan6aa3
(Eng.) What month is it now?
See also: 小月 大月 上個月 下個月 年卅晚 月底 月相 月蝕 月頭 臘月 足月 預產期 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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