
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zaam6 ding6
Character Meaning:
of a short period; temporary; provisional; temporarily; for the time being
stable; to fix; to set; to make a decision; firm; steady; calm; fixed
Part of Speech: verb
to decide on something for the time being; to make a provisional arrangement
(Cant.) ngo5dei6zaam6ding6haa6go3sing1kei4ng5soeng6zau3sap6dim2hoi1wui2
(Eng.) We should be having a meeting next Friday at 10 a.m. (but stay tuned for possible changes in the schedule).
See also: 依期 公測 公眾假期 匯率操縱國 原訂 君子協定 將功贖罪 良辰吉日 萬象更新 送舊迎新 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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