
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ming4 seon3 pin2
Character Meaning:
to understand; bright; coming; next; clear; explicit; blatantly; unabashedly; the Ming Dynasty
letter; believe; mail; to believe; to trust; to profess faith in; to believe in; promise
slice; film; movie; video; diaper; to slice; to squeeze into
Part of Speech: noun
postcard (measure word: 張)
(Cant.) ngo5heoi3leoi5hang4jat1ding6wui5se2zoeng1ming4seon3pin2gei3faan1uk1kei2ge3
(Eng.) When I travel abroad, I'll definitely write a postcard and send it home.
See also: 原稿紙 墨硯 影印本 手抄本 日記簿 聖誕卡 郵戳 非賣品 飛鴿傳書 首日封 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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