
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zou2 zi1 gam1 jat6 ho4 bit1 dong1 co1
Character Meaning:
early; morning
to know; knowledge; to realise; to understand; to inform
now; present time
day; sun; daytime; shorthand for Japan; 24 hours
which; what; how
certainly; definitely; must; necessarily
as; consider; when; while; just at; to work as; to serve as; to undertake; to face; to be situated in; to consider; to treat as; to think of; to pawn an item; should; ought to; suitable; just
first; early; the beginning of; for the first time; just beginning to; just happened; elementary; junior
Part of Speech: expression
if one had known it would come to this, he would not have acted so; used to sigh
See also: 唏噓 嘆氣 歎 抖大氣
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