
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jat6 tau2
Character Meaning:
day; sun; daytime; shorthand for Japan; 24 hours
head; first; number one; top; hairstyle; hair; area; location; end; side; leader; chief; boss
Part of Speech: noun
  • daytime
    (Cant.) wai6zo2maai5uk1keoi5jat6tau2faan1gung1zi1jyu4je6maan5zung6jiu3zou6gim1zik1
    (Eng.) In order to buy a flat, he needs to work not only during daytime, but also a part-time job at night.
    (Cant.) nei5ting1jat6jat6tau2jau5mat1je5zou6
    (Eng.) What will you do in the daytime tomorrow?
    (Cant.) jat6tau2maang5zou6dou3ji1gaa1hing1sung1haa5
    (Eng.) After a day's hard work, it's time to relax now. (lyrics)

  • sun light; the sun
    (Cant.) gam1jat6jat6tau2gam3maang5ceot1gaai1gei3dak1caa4faan1di1taai3joeng4jau4
    (Eng.) The sun is so bright today, remember to apply some sun cream when you go out.
    (Cant.) jat6tau2saai3dou3lou6min2jau5di1mung4
    (Eng.) The road surface looks blurred under the sunlight.
    (Cant.) aa3jing1pei4fu1hou2baak6m4soeng2bei2jat6tau2saai3haak1
    (Eng.) Ying has fair skin; she doesn't want to be tan.

Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 夜晚 晚頭
See also: 日間 白天 白日 熱頭 陽 太陽 三更半夜 夜冷 夜媽媽 夜晚 挨晚 日上三竿 日偏食 日光浴 晚黑 白晝 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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