
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jat6 je6
Character Meaning:
day; sun; daytime; shorthand for Japan; 24 hours
night; night-time; late at night; far into the night
Part of Speech: expression
day and night; literally: day ... night ... ("..." substituted by the same verb or verbal phrase)
(Cant.) 日哦夜哦jat6 ngo4 je6 ngo6
(Eng.) to nag day and night; literally: day nag night nag
(Cant.) jat6zou6je6zou6ci5zek3gau2
(Eng.) to work day and night like a dog; literally: day do night do like a dog
(Cant.) jat6fong4je6fong4gaa1caak6naan4fong4
(Eng.) it is difficult to defend against a dishonest or treacherous insider, such as a hidden traitor and a spy; literally: one can defend night and day but it is hard to defend against a thief from one's own family
(Cant.) nei5dei6gam2joeng2jat6cou4je6cou4m4hai6baan6faat3gaa3wo3bat1jyu4co5dai1sam1ping4hei3wo4gam2king1laa1
(Eng.) You couldn't solve the problem by arguing every day and night. Why not sit down and talk peacefully instead?
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