
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gei3 dak1
Character Meaning:
since; both…and; as well as; now that
okay; to get; only have; (suffix); advantage; gain; to equal to; to receive; to calculate; to compute; to only have; acceptable; can; able to; great; good; to have even done; to stay still
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: distinguishing word
owned; vested
(Cant.) 既得利益者gei3 dak1 lei6 jik1 ze2
(Eng.) vested interests; entrenched interests
See also: 既得利益者 領有 底衫 背心 剩得 只不過 好事多磨 好恰 好逸惡勞 有財有勢 有頭有尾 理得 老老實實 自我感覺良好 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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