
Entry #1
Pronunciation: san1 man4 san1 man2
Character Meaning:
new; newly; freshly; recently; (of items) new; newly made; unused; newly created; previously unseen; different; something new; recently changed; newly updated
to hear; to smell; to sniff; to know; news
Part of Speech: noun
  • latest news; recent information that is noteworthy (measure word: 則 / 篇 / 單 / 件)
    (Cant.) san1man4bou3dou6
    (Eng.) news report
    (Cant.) ni1paai4jau5me1san1man2aa3
    (Eng.) Is there any noteworthy news recently?
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6tai2jat1tai2ni1daan1tai2juk6san1man4sin1
    (Eng.) Let's take a look at this sport news.

  • news programme; news report
    (Cant.) nei5jau5mou5tai2san1man2aa3ngo5soeng5din6si6aa3
    (Eng.) Have you watched the news? I'm on the TV!

See also: 報道 內容農場 報導 娛樂版 媒體 東張西望 港聞 無線電視 社交媒體 舊聞 訃聞 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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