
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zaam2 laam2
Character Meaning:
to slay; to chop
cable; hawser; to put on
Part of Speech: verb
  • to cut ropes
    (Cant.) fo2sai3gam3maang5zoi3m4zaam2laam2zau6fo2siu1lin4waan4syun4gaa3laa3
    (Eng.) Fire! Cut the ropes quickly or the fire will spread to the other ships!

  • to sever ties; to sever relationships, especially romantic relationships
    (Cant.) keoi5fu6mou5m4zung1ji3go2go3neoi5zai2bik1keoi5dei6zaam2laam2
    (Eng.) His parents dislike his girlfriend and are forcing him to break up with her.

  • to stop an on-going project, event, etc.
    (Cant.) go3zit3muk6paak3zo2sap6gei2zaap6mou4dyun1dyun1zaam2laam2jat1ding6jau5noi6cing4
    (Eng.) This television show was suddenly discontinued after being broadcast for more than ten episodes. Something is not right.

  • to sell off an investment and to cut losses
    (Cant.) ni1gaan1gung1si1jat1nin4sit6zo2gei2jik1di1gu2dung1dou1gap1zyu6zaam2laam2
    (Eng.) This company lost many tens of billions of dollars last year. Investors are scurrying to sell the stock to cut losses.

See also: 一不做二不休 先下手為強 改轅易轍 放長線釣大魚 斬草除根 斷纜 束手就擒 歸心似箭 殺雞焉用牛刀 過河拆橋 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)