
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sou3 muk6 zi6
Character Meaning:
to count; number; figure; debt; amount of money; sum; mathematics; to enumerate; to list
eye; item; category; heading
character; character; word; five minutes; script; handwriting; penmanship; calligraphy; tails (of a coin)
Part of Speech: noun
a figure; numerals (measure word: 個 / 隻)
(Cant.) aa3laai1baak3sou3muk6zi6
(Eng.) Arabic numerals
(Cant.) nei5tai2m4tai2dou2go2go3sou3muk6zi6aa3hai6saam1ding6hai6ng5
(Eng.) Can you read this figure? Is it a three or a five?
Synonym: Synonym: 數字
See also: 分子 廣大 繁多 數字 數詞 加減乘除 四則運算 循環小數 數白欖 標點符號 測字 省略號 簡筆字 象形文字 阿拉伯數字 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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