
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaau3 dou6
Character Meaning:
to teach; to instruct; to educate; to coach; religion
to guide; to lead; to teach; to instruct
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
to teach; to give guidance (especially moral values or proper ways of doing something)
(Cant.) fu6mou5jing1goi1gaau3dou6zi2neoi5m4hou2tung4mak6sang1jan4gaau1taam4
(Eng.) Parents should teach their children not to talk to strangers.
(Cant.) do1ze6lou5si1sik1sam1gaau3dou6
(Eng.) (I) thank the teacher for teaching wholeheartedly.
See also: 傳授 講授 教會 授 誨 指引 指導 以身作則 因材施教 教具 教學相長 教誨 教養 施教 管教 胎教 身教 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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