
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sau1 fo3
Character Meaning:
collect; to receive; to accept; to regain; to gather; to collect; to hide; to cover; to close; to shut; to end; to stop; to undo; to cancel; to withdraw; to retract; to restrain; to punish; to teach a lesson
goods; commodity
Part of Speech: verb
  • to receive goods
    (Cant.) sau1dyun1hai2mong5soeng6maai5jyun4wun6geoi6cam4jat6dak6dang1lau4hai2uk1kei2dang2sau1fo3
    (Eng.) Sau Tuen had bought toys on the Internet and yesterday he stayed home to wait for the delivery of them.

  • to feel satisfied, pleased
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6baai2dou3ming4zau6m4sau1fo3gaa3laa3dim2ho2ji5bei2go3cou2on3tung1gwo3aa3
    (Eng.) We aren't satisfied at all, how can we let the bill be passed?

See also: 一分錢一分貨 來路貨 收咧 收回成命 溝貨 稱心滿意 耍手擰頭 薄利多銷 見好就收 認帳 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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