
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sip3 wai2
Character Meaning:
to squeeze into
place; position; (measure); seat; place to sit; spot; geographic part; identity; role; rank
Part of Speech: verb
  • to cut yourself into a queue; to leap into a seat
    (Cant.) keoi5tau4sin1aai3gui6daan6hai6daap3dei6tit3go2zan6seng4go3jan4pok3heoi3sip3wai2
    (Eng.) He was just saying that he was exhausted, yet still he finds the strength to leap for a seat while boarding the metro.

  • to take an undeserving place in a self-promoting or underhandedly manner; to steal the limelight
    (Cant.) bun2loi4gung1si1sing1cin1mou5keoi5fan2daan6hai6keoi5zeoi3hau6kaau3caat3haai4sip3wai2
    (Eng.) At first he was not considered to be promoted, but he stole a place by brown-nosing.

See also: 搶鏡 出風頭 七手八腳 單刀赴會 廣角鏡頭 得饒人處且饒人 油頭粉面 烏低身 相貌堂堂 神龍見首不見尾 靜脈曲張 頭耷耷 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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