
Entry #1
Pronunciation: liu4
Part of Speech: verb
  • to initiate; to provoke
    (Cant.) 撩交打liu4 gaau1 daa2
    (Cant.) liu4jan4gong2je5
    (Eng.) to initiate a conversation

  • to verbally harass someone to catch the attention of someone
    (Cant.) 撩女仔liu4 neoi5 zai2
    (Cant.) ni1dou6hou2zaap6gaa3ngo5je6maan5lok6gaai1seng4jat6bei2jan4liu4
    (Eng.) It's very unsafe in this area, I always get verbally harassed by someone when I go out at night.

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 倡議 創始 發起 啓 討 逗 焫 寸
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: liu1 liu2
Part of Speech: verb
to move sth or to poke, esp. with a finger or stick
(Cant.) liu1ngaa4
(Eng.) to use a toothpick to remove food debris in between teeth
(Cant.) dit3zo2nap1tong2lok6toi2dai2tim1lo2zi1bat1liu1faan1keoi5ceot1lei4laa1
(Eng.) "Oh no, I dropped a candy under the desk." "Use a pen to fish it out."
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License