
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zong6 zeng3
Character Meaning:
to hit; to bump against; to collide; to meet by chance; to encounter; to coincide; to guess blindly
upright; good; enjoyable; precise; exact; accurate; correct; right; formal; chief; really; indeed; regular (polygon); positive
Part of Speech: verb
  • to bump into at the right time
    (Cant.) go3siu2tau1aam1aam1soeng2zau2zau6zong6zeng3wu6zyu2faan1lai4
    (Eng.) Right when the burglar was about to escape, he bumped into the owner who just came back.

  • time clash
    (Cant.) haau2si5zong6zeng3saang1jat6
    (Eng.) The exam clashes with my birthday

See also: 衝撞 碰撞 衝突
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