
Entry #1
Pronunciation: syun2 sau2 laan6 goek3
Character Meaning:
to damage; to hurt; to make an abrasion
hand; forelimb; lot
broken; incomplete; damaged; mashed; sodden; overcooked; bad; of low quality; messy; very; extremely; bright; eye-catching; to rot; to go bad
foot, leg; leg; base
Part of Speech: verb
  • injured, damaged, harmed; especially, with injuries of arms and legs; literally, injured arms broken legs
    (Cant.) gam1jat6caai2daan1ce1caai2dou3syun2sau2laan6goek3
    (Eng.) I injured my arms and legs when I was cycling today.

  • to lose a lot of money when investing or gambling
    (Cant.) keoi5caau2gu2piu3caau2dou3syun2sau2laan6goek3
    (Eng.) He tried to flip stocks but ended up losing a lot.

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