
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zaa1 zeng3 lai4 zou6 zaa1 zeng3 lei4 zou6
Character Meaning:
drive; to hold; to grasp; to squeeze; to own; to possess; jug/jar
upright; good; enjoyable; precise; exact; accurate; correct; right; formal; chief; really; indeed; regular (polygon); positive
to come; to arrive; to bring something
to do; to act; to perform; to be; to become; to be/play (a role); to be as; to give; to make; to provide; to prepare
Part of Speech: verb
to follow the rules strictly; to "go by the book"; to leave no room for discretion
(Cant.) m4hou2gwaai3ngo5zaa1zeng3lei4zou6
(Eng.) Don't blame me for following the rules too strictly.
Synonym: Synonym: 揸正
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