
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caap3 sou1
Character Meaning:
to insert; to thrust; to put in; to stick in; to add; to place between; to join; to reprimand; to scold; to admonish; to chastize; to drop in price

Part of Speech: noun
  • electric socket (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) 萬能插蘇
    (Eng.) multi outlet adapter
    (Cant.) nei5gaan1uk1gam3siu2caap3sou1ge2
    (Eng.) How come your apartment has so few electric sockets?

  • also used to refer to electric plugs

Synonym: Synonym: 插座
See also: 打樁機 抽油煙機 插座 插電 插頭 洗衫板 硬碟機 磁碟機 花灑頭 釘書機 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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