
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaan2 jam2 zaak6 sik6
Character Meaning:
to pick up; to choose; to select; to pick
to drink
to select; to choose
to eat; to take (medicine); to suffer; to conquer; to control
Variants: Variants: 飲擇食
Part of Speech: verb
to eat and drink selectively; to be a fussy eater; literally: to choose drinks and pick food
(Cant.) m4zeon2gaan2jam2zaak6sik6sik6saai3di1jyu2keoi5
(Eng.) Don't be such a fussy eater—eat the fish (or I'll make you eat it).
(Cant.) sai3lou6zai2jam2sik6jiu3gwan1hang4m4ho2ji5gaan2jam2zaak6sik6gaa3
(Eng.) A balanced diet is essential for kids; they mustn't be choosy about their food.
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