
Entry #1
Pronunciation: paai4 coeng4 lung4
Character Meaning:
raft; align; to arrange; to put in order; to rank; to practice; to discharge; to eject; to release; row; rank; line; platoon; mountain; slope; short for rib bones
to grow; long; length; strong point; merit; specialty
dragon; the goalpost; the goalkeeper; long queue
Part of Speech: verb
to have a long queue
(Cant.) ni1gaan1laai1min6dim3jat6jat6dou1paai4coeng4lung4
(Eng.) This ramen restaurant always has a long queue.
Synonym: Synonym: 打蛇餅 排隊
See also: 人山人海 人滿為患 人頭湧湧 打地鋪 打蛇餅 排隊 水泄不通 水靜鵝飛 門庭若市 食詐糊 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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