
Entry #1
Pronunciation: paai4 zai1
Character Meaning:
raft; align; to arrange; to put in order; to rank; to practice; to discharge; to eject; to release; row; rank; line; platoon; mountain; slope; short for rib bones
to push against; squeeze; to place; to crowd; to cram; to expel; to repel; to jostle
Part of Speech: verb
to exclude somebody from a social group through social pressure; social exclusion
(Cant.) bei2jan4paai4zai1
(Eng.) to be edged out
(Cant.) nei5dei6m4jing1goi1paai4zai1di1san1tung4si6ge3
(Eng.) You shouldn't edge out the new colleagues.
See also: 久而久之 冷嘲熱諷 冷言冷語 排斥 結黨營私 趨利避害 逆向歧視 邊緣化 閒言閒語 非我族類 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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