「捉字蝨 / 捉字虱」

Entry #1
  • 捉字蝨 zuk1 zi6 sat1
  • 捉字虱 zuk1 zi6 sat1
Character Meaning:
to catch; to hold; to grasp; to capture; to play chess
character; character; word; five minutes; script; handwriting; penmanship; calligraphy; tails (of a coin)
louse; flea
Part of Speech: verb
to find fault with the choice of words; to be fastidious about wording; literally: to pick up a flea from a word
(Cant.) keoi5go3jan4hou2gwai2seoi1gaa3zyun1zuk1jan4zi6sat1ci3ci3dou1zat6zyu6saai3
(Eng.) He's a very bad guy. He always finds fault with others' choice of words and keeps interrupting.
(Cant.) ni1go3jan2zing6hai6sik1dak1zuk1jan4zi6sat1gan1bun2bei2m4dou2me1sat6zai3gin3ji5
(Eng.) This guy only focuses on fault with the choice of words, without any practical advice!
See also: 作賊心虛 執輸行頭慘過敗家 得饒人處且饒人 惟恐天下不亂 捉蟲入屎忽 殺雞焉用牛刀 翻箱倒籠 英雄所見略同 裝神弄鬼 鬼迷心竅 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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