
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tau4 san1
Character Meaning:
to throw; to vote; to send; to deliver; to submit; to contribute; to enter a bid; to hurl
body; count; life; oneself; point of view
Part of Speech: verb
to join and devote oneself to (an occupation or social affairs); to throw oneself into (some passion)
(Cant.) bat1jip6hau6daai6do1sou3jan4wui5syun2zaak6tau4san1se5wui2
(Eng.) Upon graduation, many people decide to be part of the society (i.e. to work).
See also: 大展拳腳 平步青雲 從事 投入 涉足 發揮所長 肄業 自立門户 身體力行 轉行 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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