
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tau4 bou2
Character Meaning:
to throw; to vote; to send; to deliver; to submit; to contribute; to enter a bid; to hurl
to protect; to defend; to guard; to maintain; to keep status quo; to guarantee; to keep; to preserve; to bail out
Part of Speech: verb
to insure; to buy an insurance product
(Cant.) leoi5haak3ceot1faat3cin4jing1goi1tau4bou2jat1fan6leoi5jau4bou2him2
(Eng.) Tourists should buy an travel insurance before departure.
(Cant.) jau5di1jam1ngok6gaa1wui5wai6zi6gei2deoi3sau2tau4bou2
(Eng.) Some musicians would buy an insurance for their hands.
See also: 保額 保險 人壽保險 保單 保險公司 保險金 保額 壽險 定期存款 承保 持卡人 理賠 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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