
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baa2 gwai2
Character Meaning:
(measure); to hold; to control
ghost; spirit; traitor; the rat; joker; awful; dreadful
Part of Speech: expression
  • useless, sometimes used as a comment on the low quality of something
    (Cant.) aai2baa2gwai2aa4
    (Eng.) Argh! This thing is terrible!

  • adding the expression "把鬼咩?" (baa2 gwai2 me1, always said with falling intonation) after a verb phrase, used as a rhetorical question to mean there is no use in doing something.
    (Cant.) ni1dou6dak1ngo5dei6loeng5go3jiu3gam3do1zoeng1dang3baa2gwai2me1
    (Eng.) Just the two of us are here; what's the use of having so many chairs?

Synonym: Synonym: 替死
See also: 嘩鬼 孤魂野鬼 懶鬼 捉蟲入屎忽 疑心生暗鬼 神機妙算 神龍見首不見尾 裝神弄鬼 雞鳴狗盜 鬼迷心竅 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)