
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baa2 gwaan1
Character Meaning:
(measure); to hold; to control
to shut; to close; difficult situation; stage of a game; line of defence
Part of Speech: verb
  • to defend the border, prevent the enemies from getting into one's own realm
    (Cant.) keoi5dei6hai2bin1ging2baa2gwaan1fong4zi2hak1bong1zeon3hang4zau2si1wut6dung6
    (Eng.) They defend our borders to prevent smuggling carried out by triad societies.

  • (football) to keep the goal

  • to secure; to check on
    (Cant.) wai6ban2zat1baa2gwaan1
    (Eng.) to check on the quality

See also: 捆 牢固 穩陣 實在 公事公辦 守尾門 形同虛設 撥亂反正 滴水不漏 置之不理 責無旁貸 越俎代庖 防患於未然 防患未然 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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