
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baa2 ci4
Character Meaning:
(measure); to hold; to control
to hold; to keep; (formal) to hold; to grasp; (formal) to possess; to maintain
Part of Speech: verb
  • to keep ones desires and behaviour under control to comply with ones moral standard (e.g. to be loyal to ones spouse) or the law.
    (Cant.) keoi5baa2ci4m4zyu6zi6gei2so2ji5zau6jau5ni1go3gam2cing4kyut3sat1
    (Eng.) He couldn't control his emotion, and that's why he was in a love affair and had regrettable moments in his love life.

  • (usually with a negative connotation) to have full control of an organisation or a group

See also: 予取予攜 巧取豪奪 掌控 掌政 操控 既得利益者 為所欲為 盤據 篡奪 胡作非為 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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