
Entry #1
Pronunciation: pai1 dau3
Character Meaning:
batch; lot; to elbow; to approve; predict; pie; screwdriver
to fight; to work on; to touch; to compete; to race
Part of Speech: verb
  • to criticize somebody in a "struggle session". "Struggle sessions" were a form of public humiliation during the Cultural Revolution period in China, where victims were forced to confess to "crimes" against Communist dogma in front of a public audience, who often verbally and physically abused the victims. The victims often suffered physical injuries, confiscation of property, and even death.

  • to criticize harshly and collectively as a group, often against people who are thought to be politically incorrect or have strayed from the orthodoxy
    (Cant.) nei5pin1man4zoeng1ge3gun1dim2gam3cin4wai6siu2sam1bei2jan4pai1dau3
    (Eng.) The viewpoints in your essay are so avant-garde -- beware heavy criticism.

See also: 上綱上線 人格謀殺 人身攻擊 公審 冷嘲熱諷 口誅筆伐 痛罵 秋後算帳 窮追猛打 落井下石 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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