
Entry #1
Pronunciation: so2 wai6
Character Meaning:
that((grammatical word)); place; site
to say; to call; to name; to tell; predicate
Part of Speech: distinguishing word
  • what is called; what is known as
    (Cant.) so2wai6aa3zau1sei3siu2lung4hai6zi2hon4gwok3toi4waan1hoeng1gong2tung4san1gaa3bo1
    (Eng.) The term "The Four Asian Tigers" refers to Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

  • so-called
    (Cant.) hou2do1so2wai6ge3gin6hong1sik6ban2dou1hai6jung6go3biu1cim1lai4zaan6cin2ge2
    (Eng.) Many producers of those so-called "health food" are just trying to make money with their brand name.

See also: 一言以蔽之 事實上 實際上 政治正確 無事生非 簡而言之 習非成是 自古以來 自我感覺良好 自欺欺人 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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