
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng2 dong1 jin4
Character Meaning:
to want; to hope; to want to; to plan to; to suppose; to consider; to presume; to miss; to long for
as; consider; when; while; just at; to work as; to serve as; to undertake; to face; to be situated in; to consider; to treat as; to think of; to pawn an item; should; ought to; suitable; just
yet; but; however; nevertheless
Part of Speech: adjective
intuition; that which is expected in a subjective manner
(Cant.) bin6leon6ge3je5jyu5kei4soeng2dong1jin4dou2bat1jyu4sou3zyu1sat6zing3laa1
(Eng.) Instead of relying on intuition, why don't you back your arguments with hard evidence?
See also: 感覺 直覺 直觀 一廂情願 不以為然 不假思索 不求甚解 人云亦云 先入為主 無論如何 理所當然 自然而然 話雖如此 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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