
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gap1 gau3
Character Meaning:
urgent; hurry; pressing; fast; rapid; violent; strong
to save; to rescue; to stop; to deter; to change; to improve
Part of Speech: noun
first aid; assistance given to the suffered/patient before they receive any formal medical treatment in hospital
(Cant.) syun4soeng6min6jau5sing4haak3wan4syun4m4syu1fuk6jau5mou5sik1gap1gau3ge3jan4ho2ji5bong1sau2aa3
(Eng.) A passenger is having seasick and feeling unwell, can anyone who know first aid help?
See also: 不省人事 人工呼吸 助產士 搶救 救傷 救傷車 救護 救護車 救駕 施救 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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