
Entry #1
Pronunciation: nim6 gau6
Character Meaning:
read; to miss sby; idea; thought; to think of; to miss (someone)
past; old; historical; worn out; former; ago; before; earlier; used as a prefix
Part of Speech: adjective
keeping old friendships and the old days in mind
(Cant.) keoi5go3jan4hou2nim6gau6gei3dak1saai3di1siu2hok6tung4hok6ge3meng2
(Eng.) He is a person who keeps all the memories of old days and old friendships in his mind, he can remember all the names of his primary school classmates!
See also: 好事多磨 少見多怪 戀戀不捨 撫今追昔 敍舊 老奸巨猾 老態龍鍾 老氣橫秋 老當益壯 老眼昏花 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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