
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faai3 mun4
Character Meaning:
fast; quick; rapid; soon; shortly; happy; content
door; opening; school of thought; branch of study; methods, ways; gate; entrance
Part of Speech: noun
shutter, a component of a camera (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) faai3mun4hoi1kai2zoi3gwaan1bai3zik1hai6jing2zo2jat1fuk1soeng2
(Eng.) When the shutter opens and closes, the camera has taken one photo.
(Cant.) maai5ji6sau2soeng2gei1jiu3lau4ji3keoi5ge3faai3mun4sou3
(Eng.) Beware of the shutter count when you purchase a second-hand camera.
See also: 傳呼機 傻瓜機 光碟機 尾機 廣角鏡頭 慢動作 慢鏡頭 手動 輕機 閃光燈 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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