
Entry #1
Pronunciation: taan4 hat6
Character Meaning:
elastic; play((instrument)); criticise; bullet; ammunition; bomb; projectile; to bounce; to rebound; to flick; to refuse; to reject; to criticise; to talk bad about

Part of Speech: verb
to impeach; within the authorities, to accuse an official of wrongdoing, to hold them responsible and to request their removal from office
(Cant.) taan4hat6zung2tung2
(Eng.) to impeach the president
(Cant.) taan4hat6tiu4fun2
(Eng.) article of impeachment
See also: 公報私仇 勝券在握 司法覆核 將功贖罪 引咎辭職 收回成命 窮追猛打 罷免 罷黜 革扯 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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