
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cyu4 san4 ceoi4 san4
Character Meaning:
to cook; cook; chef; cabinet; wardrobe; cupboard
god; spirit; mind; expression; look; goddess; deity; not working; dysfunctional; inoperative; insane; crazy; nuts; mad; out of one's mind
Part of Speech: noun
someone with splendid cooking skills; top chef; literally: god of cookery (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) keoi5hai6baan1leoi5min6ge3cyu4san4ngo5dei6deoi3keoi5ge3sau2sai3dou1zaan3bat1zyut6hau2
(Eng.) She has the best cooking skills in our class, winning praises from all of us.
See also: 二郎神 卧虎藏龍 大廚 大顯身手 天煞孤星 寧神 廚子 料事如神 西廚 酬神 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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