
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daai3 waai6
Character Meaning:
carry, bring; to bring; to carry; climatic zone; region; area; ribbon; band)
bad; not obedient; rebellious; with bad behaviour; harmful; cannot function; to be not working; to be out of order; to ruin; to spoil
Part of Speech: verb
to lead astray; to teach someone to do things perceived as bad, like smoking, drinking alcohol or saying foul language; literally, to "bring bad"
(Cant.) keoi5fu6mou5daam1sam1keoi5wui5bei2keoi5di1zyu1pang4gau2jau5daai3waai6
(Eng.) Her parents worried that she might be led astray by her bad friends.
See also: 學壞 出淤泥而不染 寬衣解帶 帶挈 惡向膽邊生 打壞 拔苗助長 拖男帶女 禍從口出 縱壞 視如己出 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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