
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng6 mei6
Character Meaning:
still; yet; to esteem; to value
not yet; have not; did not; yet
Part of Speech: adverb
still not; not yet
(Cant.) si6cing4soeng6mei6gaai2kyut3
(Eng.) The matter is not resolved yet.
(Cant.) jau4jyu1cin4min6ge3lit6ce1soeng6mei6hoi1ceot1bun2baan1lit6ce1zoeng1saau2wai4jin4ci4ging3cing2jyun4loeng6
(Eng.) There will be a short delay because the train is still in the next section of the track. Please accept out apologies.
See also: 尚待 已成定局 指日可待 早已 時至今日 未曾 為時已晚 經已 言之過早 遙遙無期 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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