
Entry #1
Pronunciation: siu2 zou2
Character Meaning:
small; primary school; elementary school; little; lesser; minor
group; set; to form
Part of Speech: noun
group (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) gung1zok3siu2zou2
(Eng.) working group
(Cant.) siu2zou2tou2leon6
(Eng.) group discussion
(Cant.) zing3fu2kyut3ding6sing4laap6kwaa1bou6mun4zyun1zaak3siu2zou2cyu5lei5
(Eng.) The government decided to set up a cross-departmental taskforce to handle the matter.
(Cant.) zau1bat1si4hai2luk6lau2gin3dou2di1siu2zou2caa4ging1
(Eng.) Small groups are often seen studying the Bible on the sixth floor.
See also: 集團 群組 組 委員會 專責 智囊團 理事會 發展局 董事會 行政會議 關注組 雀局 集思會 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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