
Entry #1
Pronunciation: deoi3 cing3
Character Meaning:
pair; towards; correct; right; couplet; opposing; on the other side; to go against; to oppose; versus; to check; to proofread; as for; with regard to; in connection with
to say; called; weigh; to be equal to; to suit; steelyard balance; Roman balance; to call; to claim; to state; to self-proclaim
Part of Speech: adjective
(Cant.) nei5fu3ngaan5geng2jat1bin1gou1jat1bin1dai1m4hai6gei2deoi3cing3wo3
(Eng.) One side of your glasses is higher than the other. They look asymmetric.
Synonym: Synonym: 勻稱
See also: 三角形 勻稱 四邊形 圓柱體 圓錐體 多邊形 對角 對角線 平行四邊形 矩形 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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