
Entry #1
Pronunciation: deoi3 doi6
Character Meaning:
pair; towards; correct; right; couplet; opposing; on the other side; to go against; to oppose; versus; to check; to proofread; as for; with regard to; in connection with
to treat; to wait for
Part of Speech: verb
to treat; to do something to others; to show something to others
(Cant.) nei5jiu3hou2hou2gam2deoi3doi6nei5ge3fu6mou5
(Eng.) You should treat your parents well.
(Cant.) ngo5dim2dou1gu2m4dou3keoi5wui2gam2deoi3doi6ngo5
(Eng.) I had no idea that he would have done that to me.
(Cant.) ngo5jat1hoeng3dou1jing6zan1deoi3doi6nei5ge3gin3ji5
(Eng.) I always take your suggestions seriously.
(Cant.) gaa1zoeng2jing1goi1zeon6loeng6deoi3siu2pang4jau5bou2ci4fun1jung4ge3taai3dou6bei6min5ji5fu6min2ge3kau1tung1fong1sik1deoi3doi6
(Eng.) Parents should maintain a patient approach towards their children and avoid communicating in negative terms.
(Cant.) cing2zyun1zung6kap6sin6doi6cung2mat6m4hou2caan4huk6deoi3doi6keoi5dei6
(Eng.) Please treat pets with respect and compassion. Do not treat them cruelly.
(Cant.) ni1wai2luk6jip6wong4sang1cin4ji5him1bei1sam1taai3deoi3doi6keoi5ge3jin2ngai6si6jip6
(Eng.) The outstanding supporting actor treated his acting career with a modest and humble attitude when alive.
See also: 治療 治 治理 看待 一視同仁 不人道 善待 懲罰 敵視 欺壓 看待 虐待 視而不見 視若無睹 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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