
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zyun1 ce1
Character Meaning:
specialise; specialised; special; only; exclusively; intentionally
car; wheeled vehicles; vehicle; automobile; driving skill; to give a ride; to hit; to crash; to bullshit
Part of Speech: noun
specially arranged vehicle to pick up a targeted group of people (measure word: 架 / 部)
(Cant.) hok6saang1kap6gaau3zik1jyun4zyun1ce1
(Eng.) vehicles exclusively for students and staff
(Cant.) zyu2baan6daan1wai2jau5mou5on1paai4zyun1ce1zip3sung3aa3
(Eng.) Did the organiser arrange for a particular bus to pick up the party?
See also: 人力車 保姆車 公交車 包車 吉普車 計程車 轎車 遙控車 鏟車 黑車 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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