
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cyun3 bou6 naan4 hang4 cyun3 bou6 naan4 haang4
Character Meaning:
inch; tsun; cun; to humiliate; to provoke; arrogant; condescending
step; stage; phase
difficult; disaster; hard; catastrophe; calamity; suffering; generally, trouble
to walk; profession; behaviour; okay; a line; a row; trip; performance; action; industry; perfunctory; "hong"; a shop; a firm; to browse; to move; to adopt; to take; dry
Part of Speech: expression
  • even taking a step is difficult
    (Cant.) ceot1min6kwong4fung1bou6jyu5gaai1soeng6min6di1hang4jan4cyun3bou6naan4hang4
    (Eng.) Pedestrians find it difficult to even walk under the storm.

  • to be in a difficult, stagnating situation
    (Cant.) ging1zai3dai1mai4san1faat3zin2keoi1ge3gai3waak6cyun3bou6naan4hang4
    (Eng.) In this flagging economy, the development plans have ground to halt.

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