
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaa1 gaau3
Character Meaning:
home; family
to teach; to instruct; to educate; to coach; religion
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: noun
family education; one's upbringing, especially when reflected in one's behaviour, interpersonal skills, etc.
(Cant.) jau5gaa1gaau3
(Eng.) well brought up; properly brought up
(Cant.) 冇家教mou5 gaa1 gaau3
(Eng.) to be a spoiled brat
(Cant.) siu2pang4jau5gaa1gaau3hou2zi6jin4do1jan4zung1ji3
(Eng.) Children who have good upbringing will be well liked.
(Cant.) keoi5uk1kei2gaa1gaau3hou2jim4m4bei2keoi5ceot1je6gaai1
(Eng.) Her parents are strict with her, and do not allow her to go out at night.
See also: 家訓 尊師重道 怪獸家長 教養 父執輩 男女授受不親 禮義廉恥 童養媳 胎教 衣食父母 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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