
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaa1 ging2
Character Meaning:
home; family
place; area; region; boundary; circumstance; situation
Part of Speech: noun
wealthiness of a family, usually followed by adjectives like 富裕 fu3 jyu6 (rich), 清貧 cing1 pan4 (poor), or 一般 jat1 bun1 (normal)
(Cant.) keoi5gaa1ging2fu3jyu6ceot1jap6jau5si1gei1zip3sung3
(Eng.) He is from a rich family, he has a chauffeur to drive him around.
(Cant.) ngo5gaa1ging2cing1pan4uk1kei2lin4din6si6dou1mou5
(Eng.) I'm from a poor family. I don't even have a TV set at home.
See also: 品學兼優 家世 家底 家庭主婦 家徒四壁 家私 家道中落 清貧 窮困 體弱多病 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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